Singing praises, dancing, clapping and the lifting of hands?
Worship goes even deeper than that!
Close your eyes for a moment and picture yourself dancing with the One that you love.
He holds you gently and protectively in His arms, and twirl you around to the soft and soothing music that is playing.
As you gaze into His eyes, you see security and love.
As the arms of the Almighty holds you tight, He gives you the feeling of everlasting protection and security, which fills you with all the peace that you need to conquer the world.
The perfect way to communicate to your Lord and Savior.
When you are feeling hurt, worship can soothe your pain.
When you are feeling down and out, worship can lift your spirits high.
When you are feeling anxious, fearful and confused, worship can bring you much needed clarity.
Worship reminds you that God is always there for and with you.
Even though you may be walking through a dark valley, you have no need to fear because the Lord God Almighty is with you. He is walking beside you with His rod to ward off the terrors and His staff to guide, protect and comfort you. (Psalm 23:4)
He is giving you a reason to Worship!
He is assuring you that you need not bow your head in tearful sorrow, but lift it high and sing praises to Him. Giving Him thanks for all that He is doing, all that He has done and all that He is about to do.
When you worship, thoughts of circumstances that God has pulled you through comes to mind and gives you fuel to praise Him even more.
It didn't matter to her what people were saying about her, she continued doing what the Spirit had led her to do.
She lived a life filled with sin, yet when she got the opportunity, she praised her Savior by washing His feet with her tears, drying them with her hair and anointing them with perfume from her alabaster jar.
The Pharisee's that witnessed this act, complained about who she was and the sins that she had committed. But Jesus only saw her act of love and her need for His mercy, grace, forgiveness and love. All of which He gave to her at that moment. (Luke 7:36-50)
Those around you may not understand why you are worshiping and they may be holding on to your sinful nature in their heart and mind without even knowing the depths of your pain.
But Jesus.....
He doesn't care what anyone has to say about you, He just wants to bask in the praises that you are giving to Him.
So worship, sing praises, clap your hands and dance for your Savior because He is the only One that can take away your sorrow and give you peace.....
Be blessed by CeCe Winans as she ministers to us through her words and explains to us what true worship is all about......
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