About Me

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A Child Of God, A Wife Of 16 Years, A Mother Of 3 And A Free Spirit Writer Who Enjoys Encouraging Others Through The Word Of God.....

Monday, May 31, 2010

I Won't Look Back

I'm on my way ahead.
I can't look back.
I can see my future staring me in the face.
I won't turn around.
My past is there behind me, but it's calling my name.
My concerns seem to be catching me up.
They are right on my heal as I hurry away to my destiny.
My mistakes, my failure, my past sins, they are nipping at my heels.

I can't look back.
I'm moving ahead!
I won't be like Lot's wife.
In Genesis 19:17 the angels of the Lord told Lot and his family to leave the sinful city of Sodom and Gomorrah, run for their lives and don't look back!
But what did Lot's wife do?
She looked back!
And what happened to her?
Genesis 19:26 says; But Lot's wife looked back as she was following along behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
I guess she wanted to take one more quick look back at her past.
Was it worth it?
No because it cost her her life!
Why look back at your past failures, mistakes, sins and problems?  Look forward to the goal of success!
You can look back from where you came from as you give your testimony of where you are right now!
But do not look back at where you were, basking in the filthy pleasures of your sins!
Press forward, move ahead, your past is just that, the PAST!

Luke 4:8 KJV says; And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Jesus told Satan to get behind Him, where He rightfully belongs!

We should take on this same manner and demand our obstacles, trials and
challenges to get behind us so that we can worship our Lord with our whole heart.
When our past is upon us it is up to us to continue to move on ahead, with our eyes focused on the prize which lies ahead of us, which is to carry out the ultimate plan that God has etched out for our lives.......

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How Close Are You?

How close are you to God?
Do you wake up with Him on your mind and fall asleep thinking about His goodness?
Do you think about Him during the day?
Do you have conversations with him throughout your day or do you just wait until you are faced with a challenge and you really need Him?
Do you know that He wants you to feel close to Him?
Do you know that He wants to have a relationship with you?
Did you know that one of God's desires is to have you love Him unconditionally and not just on a need basis?
If you are in a relationship with someone right now, are you always thinking about them?
Are they on your mind day and night?
Do you call them throughout the day just to say "I love you," or even just to hear their voice?
That is what God desires from us. 
To call on Him, not only when you need Him, but just to say; "Daddy I love You! Daddy I praise You! I worship and adore You! You alone are worthy of all of my praises and more!"

I will praise you seven times a day because all your laws are just. Psalm 119:164

Be blessed by the words of Dewayne Woods song, I Wanna Be Where You Are.......