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A Child Of God, A Wife Of 16 Years, A Mother Of 3 And A Free Spirit Writer Who Enjoys Encouraging Others Through The Word Of God.....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Got Wisdom?

Throughout the bible we read about men and women of great wisdom, but none stands out more to me than our brother Job.
What wisdom, what patience, what faith, what hope and trust Job had in our Lord God Almighty.
Job was one of the richest people in the area that he lived in!
No doubt, through his wisdom he was able to obtain such riches.
Because of his wisdom, he was not only wealthy, but he was a man of high standards and a good character. 
The one thing that stands out to me from reading about Job is the fact that he was deeply concern about the spiritual welfare of his children.
Every year when his seven son's had a birthday, they would all get together with their three sisters and others and have a celebration which would sometimes last several days.

But, whenever the celebration was over, early the next morning, Job would arise and purify his children through his burnt offerings to God.  He would give an offering on behalf of each of his children because he was concerned that they may have unknowingly sinned during their celebration. Job made sure that he went before the Lord and prayed on behalf of his children for the things that they had done. 
Fast forward to the present and those burnt offerings that Job offered up to God has now become prayers.  We can send up prayers to God on behalf of our children.

As parents, we are responsible for our children's welfare and well being.  We are responsible for them developing a relationship with God. We should be the one to introduce our children to God and encourage them to love and serve Him wholeheartedly.  
As Job sent up burnt offerings for his children's spiritual welfare, we are to send up prayers for our children's salvation.  We are to pray daily for our children that may be wayward and have strayed away from what is right. 
It is up to us to get the wisdom that the book of Proverbs talks about in chapter four.  In verse ten it encourages us to listen to the wisdom that our parent(s) are teaching us and do as they say so that we can live a long good life.  Job had that type of wisdom so he didn't stumble or did he become limp when he was faced with so many challenges in his life.
As parents, we should sacrifice time daily to pray for wisdom for ourselves so that we would be able to guide our children in the way that God wants us to.  We should also pray daily for the safety of our children and for them to become the person that God created them to be.
If you need wisdom, if you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him and he will gladly tell you.  He will not resent your asking. (James 1:5)

Got Wisdom?  Share your comments.......

Friday, November 6, 2009

Love Is.....

Love is that strong feeling of affection and compassion that you have towards another person or thing.
Love does not endure conditions, therefore, it works its best in an unconditional mode.
Love is having a 'no matter what' state of mind.
Love can turn wrongs into rights.
Love can take a bad situation and rotate it 360° to a total blessing in your favor.
Love can carry you through the toughest of situations.
Love can be a crutch to hold you up and help you walk through your darkest hour.
Love can take away your fears and replace them with confidence and assurance.
Love can remove all pain, bitterness and offense.
Love stands tall in the midst of it all.
Love can under gird you in order for you to fly high like an eagle.
Love can allow you to do all the things that you set out to do.

 What does the bible say love is?   
The ultimate expression of God's loyalty, purity, and mercy extended towards His people - to be reflected in human relations of brotherly concern, martial fidelity and adoration of God.

When you sit back and reflect on this definition, you can see the power of God.
  • His loyalty lies in the form of a crutch, that will hold you up, also, an under girded power to allow you to soar like an eagle.
  • His purity will remove your pain and bitterness, it will allow your fears to run and then ask confidence to take its place. God has so much love for us that His perfect love can expel all of our fears. (1John 4:18nlt)
  • His mercy reigns so that your bad situations will turn good, because He promises to perfect those things that concern you. (Psalm 138:8 nkjv)
God wants us to always have concern for each other.  For husbands and wives to be faithful in their relationship and live in loyalty. And the most important thing of all, is to have adoration towards Him.

God sent His only Son whom He created, out of Himself, to come to this earth and walk as we walk, and live like we live, just because He loves us.  (John 3:16)

When it was time for Jesus to return home to Heaven, He was gracious enough to leave a Counselor in the form of a Spirit.  Jesus made us a promise that this Spirit would never leave us and He will always lead us into the truth. (John 14:16-17

You can use the Search engine to look up the scriptures if your bible is not near by.

Love Is.........share your comment.......

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What's Tempting You?

What is in your path that is tempting you?
Who are you hanging around that is bringing temptation to you?
Who are you helping out of temptation and are you finding yourself falling into their temptation? 
Is it a particular person, a certain food, a specific thing that is tempting you?
In the bible the word "Temptation" is defined as being enticed by sin, being put to the test and making a trial of.
Webster's Dictionary defines "Temptation" as being enticed or lured into, having a strong desire, being coaxed, persuaded or attracted to.
Which one of these describes your "Temptation"?
A lot of times we set ourselves up to be tempted because we place ourselves in situations that we know we have no business being into.  We acquire things that we know are not good for us, because it feels, taste or looks good so we set our own self up for a fall and then say that we were tempted.
We blame the enemy for a lot of things that we created ourselves, allowing him to be glorified.
We walk knowingly into an atmosphere that we know is wrong for us, but it appease our flesh.
One time I was told by a nurse that "if it tastes good, then spit it out, because that means it's not good for you!"
I thought to myself, "Hmmm, that must be why you are so thin!!"
I could not understand why I should not eat something if it taste good, does that mean my diet should be bland?!
It means that if you are doing something that you know is wrong but it feels so very right then drop it and RUN!!!!!
That's right, I said it.....RUN!!!!!
Get out or away from, as quickly as possible because you are yielding to temptation.  You are glorifying the enemy and giving him the credit that he feels he deserves.

When Joseph was being seduced by Potiphar's wife, he knew that it was not right so he RAN!!!  He did not hang around contemplating or asking himself "should I or shouldn't I".  He did not fall into the trap that she was setting for him.  He did what we all should do when faced with temptation.
He RAN!!!
He spoke to his temptress and told her that her husband, Potiphar, had been to good to him, and he could never hurt him by sleeping with his wife and also that it would be a great sin against God. (Genesis 39:6-12)
Joseph could have easily yielded to temptation.  There was no one around.  No one would ever know, unless either one of them had let up on what could have happened.
But he had enough self control to stand tall to his enticement and speak to it and then not walk but RUN away from it.  But the key ingredient to this bowl of "Joseph Temptation Stew" is the acknowledgment of sinning against God.

When we are tempted there are five things that we should do:
  • Pray; ask God to help you deal with your temptation,
  • Face Your Tempter; look directly at your tempter,
  • Speak To Your Tempter; confess with your mouth why you do not feel it is right to yield,
  • Acknowledge God; let your tempter know of Who you know and what He means to you,
  • RUN; need I say more.....don't even look back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You may say that, yielding to temptation, is easier said than done!  But do you really lack that much self control???

Use our Search engine to read more Scriptures on Temptation:

Genesis 39 (Joseph's temptation)
Matthew 6:13
Mark 1:13
Luke 17:1-2 (for the tempter)
1 Corinthians 10:13
Galatians 6:1
Hebrews 4:15 (Jesus was tempted but did not yield)
James 1:14

What's Tempting You?.......Share your comments....